Fixed the tagline for you |
Might as well be pulling the trigger on a loaded gun. |
Due to his mastery at all things bike-realted, Wilee is called to deliver a special envelope. What's inside the envelope you ask? A ticket with a smiley face drawn on it. But it gets better! The ticket is actually worth the cost of smuggling a small Asian child into the U.S.
To clarify, some woman is trying to bring her son to the U.S. illegally because legal channels suck and are slow. So she turns to some seedy, underground Asian banking system that uses recycled paper and Sharpies instead of checks (or any other logical form of currency tracking) to send money to a child smuggler.
You think I'd trust my money with Wells Fargo? Fuck that |
Unfortunately for him, Wilee's sweet bike moves and liberal use of the epithet "douchebag" are too much to handle. But eventually Bobby catches a lucky break: Wilee's bike instincts fail him and he gets hit by a car.
See, this is where brakes would have been handy |
Along the way to the hospital Bobby asks the EMTs to make a pit stop and let him take the guy that just got hit by a car somewhere other than the emergency room. Naturally they agree. Bobby thinks Wilee is going to give him the ticket, but instead Wilee steals a BMX bike and rides away. Oops!
Wilee finally makes it to the child smuggler and his bike gang helps him out by forming a flash mob in an alley and taunting Bobby for being so terrible at chasing bicycles. And to top it all off and get his sweet revenge, Wilee gets into Bobby's face and says, "Suck it, douchebag." BURN!
After the ticket is delivered the smuggler calls China and the child is allowed to get on a boat to America. Everyone is happy, except Bobby, who promptly gets shot in the head by the Asian casino thugs and dies. The end.
Good job, screenwriters! |